1. INFEKTIONEN PROTECT O (250 ml)     25 ml/1 kg of food,                                    apply within a period of 10-12 hours 

                                                            wait 4 hours to absorb the preparation        can be repeated after a period of 

                                                            or 15-20 ml / 1 L of water                          24-36 hours depending on the

                                                                                                                           expected effect; day 1 and 3


2. INFEKTIONEN PROTECT C (250 ml)      5 ml / 1 kg of food,                                   apply within a period of 10-12 hours                                                             wait 4 hours to absorb the preparation         can be repeated after a period of

                                                            or 15-20 ml / 1 L of water                           24-36 hours depending on the

                                                                                                                            expected effect; day 4-6


3. PROBIOTIC (100 ml)                           0,5 - 1 ml / 1 L of water                              use after treatment with

                                                                                                                            INFEKTIONEN PROTECT O and C

                                                                                                                            preparations; day 7-14                    


4. KNOBLAUCH KRAFT (250 ml)               1 - 2 ml / 1 L of water or

                                                            0,5 kg of food